Today, my primary task was to create blog using Octopress in order to write down the progress of my android development. First of all, after setup the Octopress, there are two commands needed to create the .MarkDown extension file, set the title of the post, and preview the blog : rake preview and rake new_post. The explanation of the commands is shown in the figure below.
After creating the new post, I have made amendments in _config yml file in order to configure the title, subtitle and author of the blog. The code of yml file is shown in the figure below.
The definition of the respective code in the _config yml file is shown in figure below.
Next, to set the title, comments and category of the the blog, I have
modified the coding of the file with MarkDown extension as shown below.
The definition of the respective code in the .MarkDown extension yml file is shown in
figure below.